Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hello my name is Aimee and this is a real life adventure...

You know what really gets me? Is that every time I go to Dunkin Donuts I order a coffee and I ask for cream and sugar and it's always bitter no matter how many they add. And that when I'm getting ready in the morning and I'm clearly not dilly dallying and PDF says "we really need to leave soon..." and then I get all flustered and try to hurry when really we don't need to be in any sort of rush at all. Or when my alarm clock goes off at 6:30am so I can get up to go to the gym and instead of hitting "snooze" I hit "off" and I wake up late. That just really irritates me.

Whew! My ranting is over, I just needed to get it off my chest.

I hope I find better coffee soon.

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