Hello my name is Aimee and this is a real life adventure...
Bad news kids. I think I have caught some sort of sore-throat, runny-nose, itchy-eye, body-aching, head-pounding, sneezing thing. To sum it up I feel terrible, but here I am blogging away. I believe catching this bug is a result of spending almost every waking hour of the past labor day weekend with my Chi Omega sisters and all of the Panhellenic community on the second floor of the Memorial Union on the Tempe Campus recruiting new members. After shaking what seems like hundreds of hands (this is probably close to accurate) and getting no more than 15 hours of sleep the entire weekend I am (exhausted) and proud to announce that we have 50 brand new baby hooters!!! (For those of you with no Greek Life experience "baby hooters" are what Chi Omegas at Arizona State call their new members. They are referred to baby hooters until they are initiated and become an active in the chapter.)
I knew I was starting to become irrational from the lack of sleep, aching muscles, and anticipation on Tuesday morning on the way to class. I was running late (of course, who ever heard of Aimee Williams being on time for anything?) and hopped on the light rail with crazy curly hair from the day before and my bid day shirt proudly exclaiming I was a Chi Omega. Lately I have become enraptured with the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, so I sat in the first seat I saw and shoved my nose into New Moon, the second of four books. I was toward the end of the book and came upon a part in which I thought was breathtakingly romantic. Apparently a little too breathtaking. My heart sped up and my eyes began to water. I was in shock. For one I couldn't believe that I was crying over a series I had once accused of being "too mainstream" and second it was much to early for me to be contemplating whether or not I would ever meet my Edward.
I hardly had myself composed when I arrived Downtown for my 7:30 class five minutes late. After being greeted by my first name (it's super embarrassing when professors do that, especially when you're late) I took the first seat I could find and tried to swallow the basics of statistics.
This is where I would like to interject the story and bring up the age old question: why do we run into absolutely everyone we know when we look/smell terrible? I can go a week of looking decent, my hair fairly smooth and under control and not super sweaty and not see a soul, but when my hair is bigger than my face and I'm pouring sweat I run into ex-boyfriends, awkward acquaintances, and the super hot guy from the gym. It's absolutely unfair, can't fate ever be on my side?
Not only did my weekend leave me sleepless, it left me homework-less. Apparently I missed an updated syllabus and a discussion board. Turns out I was a proposal and 3 pages of my biology coloring book short. I know I have all semester to turn my grade around, but I can't help but be completely aggravated, especially when I cling to my fairly decent GPA for scholarships.
Needless to say my week has gotten off to a rough start. I'm hoping to get some decent sleep (the doctor gave me codeine!) so I don't fall to pieces every time Edward confesses his undying love. Or when I hear a sad love song on Pandora (cause that happened too).
Big Red
4 weeks ago
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